Installing Burp's CA certificate in Firefox.

Please select the appropriate link below for detailed information about installing the certificate on your chosen browser. The process for installing Burp's CA certificate varies depending on which browser you are using. To access Burp's browser, go to the Proxy > Intercept tab, and click Open Browser. If you prefer, you can just use Burp's browser, which is preconfigured to work with Burp Proxy already. These steps are only necessary if you want to use an external browser for manual testing with Burp. Managing application logins using the configuration library.Spoofing your IP address using Burp Proxy match and replace.Testing for reflected XSS using Burp Repeater.Viewing requests sent by Burp extensions using Logger.Resending individual requests with Burp Repeater.Augmenting manual testing using Burp Scanner.Intercepting HTTP requests and responses.Viewing requests sent by Burp extensions.Testing for SQL injection vulnerabilities.Testing for parameter-based access control.Identifying which parts of a token impact the response.I would ideally like this done in the next week.Search Professional and Community Edition The Community edition of Burp is free to download/use.īidders please tell me what experience you have of the above. Whoever wants to do this job must be familiar with the Burp tool and be proficient in python. Ideally I would like to have 10 usernames/passwords rotated like this - each username with their own password list.Īpparently Turbo-Intruder can perform the above two tasks via modification of it's python script. Second task: During the running of Burp Intruder: request 1: try a specific username (call it U1) against one password from a password list (call it A) then request 2: try another specific username (call it U2) against one password from a different password list (call it B) then request 3: try username U1 against the next password from password list A then request 4: try username U2 against the next password from password list B and so on, so that the username/password requests from each username/password list is alternated. For instance if I wanted to try the first 20 words in a `sniper' attack (just using one username paired to a list of words in the same position), then wait for 10 minutes, then try the next 20 words in the list. First task: Run an Intruder attack (password guessing) which can be set to pause in the middle of going through a specific word list for a set number of minutes and then start running again. I would like Turbo to do the following 2 functions within Burp (the Intruder part of Burp): Hi - I need someone who can write Python to create a script to work with the Turbo-Intruder extension to the Burp Suite (community or Pro editions) tool.